Astrology for 11/23/2015

11/23/2015 Monday by Norma

Energetic activity is best performed early in the day, when a strong push yields positive results. Take action and then stop. Do not attempt anything on your own right now, even though you want to, and be aware that hidden forces are at work. Joshua Moore said, “The knowledge that a secret exists is
half of the secret.” The moment you think you understand something, information comes in to prove you wrong. Confusion holds the winning hand today, and if you understand this you’ll know what to do: talk and listen, gather information, partner up with someone, and go shopping!

The astrology post affects each person differently, based on individual horoscopes. Look to see where
this message affects your life!

Astrology for 11/22/2015

11/22/2015 Sunday by Norma

A leader zips around telling people what to do, and a follower assuages feelings and compliments everyone. Decide in advance which role you will play and stick to it. If no second is available, you’ll have to play both parts yourself. Both are necessary. Place a recalcitrant person in a chair with a magazine, provide a cup of coffee and keep going. Don’t let anyone monopolize your time or pull you off assignment, and someone will definitely try to do this. Ask a broad question to get the ball rolling, and relax as the opinions fly back and forth. Richard Moss said, “The greatest gift you can give another is the purity of your attention.” If you’re not in a group situation, the need to listen and communicate will still be apparent everywhere, you’ll only avoid it by staying home with the door shut, where you will probably talk to yourself.

The astrology post affects each person differently, depending on individual horoscopes. Look to see where this message affects your life!

Astrology for 11/21/2015

11/21/2015 Saturday by Norma

Everyone has an opinion about everything today. The temptation to plug your ears is overwhelming, but if you do you’ll be out of the loop. New alliances spring up and people are willing to band together for the common good. Activity and a jolt of enthusiasm follow an exciting announcement. Listen carefully to directions today, and you’ll arrive at your destination; go it alone and you’ll get lost. Wrap up your business early in the day and relax, enjoy friends and groups and spend happy time with a partner. James Oppenheim said, “The foolish person seeks happiness in the distance; the wise person grows it under his feet.”

The astrology post affects each person differently, based on individual horoscopes. Look to see where this message influences your life!

Astrology for 11/20/2015

11/20/2015 Friday by Norma

Take it easy today, to the best of your ability. Use your sixth sense to decide what needs your attention most, tend to that, and defer the rest. Underground matters, secret things, are predominant. It’s best to travel with a partner who bolsters your mood and energy. A loss is possible, which can be recouped by intuitive action. A problem that cannot be solved by rational analysis is made right by a heartfelt, emotional response. The Cincinnati Enquirer said, “Isn’t it strange? the same people who laugh at gypsy fortunetellers take economists seriously?” What’s good today? Something hidden
becomes public, constant improvement in health matters, a successful partnership, and a serious problem that is finally being addressed.

The astrology post affects each person differently, based on individual horoscopes. Look to see which part of your life is affected by this message.

Watch It

An excerpt from the Mindfulness workshop given by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo in 1999

You’ve heard this so many times in Buddhism: watch your mind.  That is an indication to give rise to a state of recognition, the ability to discriminate the nature of phenomena.  When we begin to practice in such a way that we can get a little spaciousness in between the assumption of self-nature as inherently real and the reaction to the tree, there is a natural pause that develops.  It’s a very small pause, but as you continue to practice, it will grow.  That moment of spaciousness will grow.  Then you are empowered to do something that you couldn’t do any other way, and that is to get ready to start dealing with your emotions and seeing them for the empty phenomena they actually are.

You know, we have all kinds of techniques for dealing with our emotions.  We take Prozac, we go to therapy, we drink – self-medication – we suppress our emotions.  Some of us are just champs at that.   We repress our emotions, or we divert them.  We divert them into something else entirely, and then we’re completely crazy.  There are all kinds of different ways to deal with our emotions, but one way to deal with your emotions, if you’re really going to practice this path and you’re really going to treasure this idea of recognition and treasure this idea of practicing mindfulness, you’ve got to watch the mind.  You have to watch; you have to perceive the nature of experience, perceive the nature of appearance, perceive the nature of phenomena.

Instead of suppressing emotion, diverting emotion, glossing over emotion, the thing to do here is to practice when we are very relaxed so that when we are in a highly emotional state we can begin to insert that same wedge, that same bit of spaciousness.  It’s not that you judge yourself harshly and say, “God, I’m just such a terrible person. I’m just so angry all the time.  I hate that about myself!”  I actually have a student that does that to herself.  “I just hate that about myself!”  Well, that’s a solution, isn’t it?  “I just hate that about myself.”   Instead of doing that, you can simply observe.  Observe like a mind that is calm like a lake.  You’re observing.  That’s all you’re doing.  You don’t need to do anything else.  Watch yourself in the equation.  Watch yourself clinging to the idea of self-nature as being inherently real.  Watch yourself assuming that everything else is out there, and watch yourself react to, with hope, fear or neutrality, everything.  Watch yourself also go into that emotional state which is really only the elaboration of that original equation.  That’s all it is.  It’s just an elaboration of the original equation.  We think our emotions are us; they’re so precious because we areour feelings, and that’s what makes us unique.  That is bull hockey.  I don’t know how better to say that.

Instead we have to begin to realize what these emotions are.  They are just the continuation or elaboration of that original equation: ego-clinging reactiveness, that equation is simply a more elaborate form.  In order to insert the spaciousness that is required, what we have to do is find a way to observe.  Even when you’re getting ready to kick the dog and throw the kid through the wall, technically speaking it’s very, very hard when you’re in that state to do much about it.  Once you’re there, just wait for it to go away.  That’s all you can do.  Once you’re there, it’s very difficult, but even if in that aroused, inflamed state we are able to observe ourselves, that is the unique capacity of human beings.  Won’t you use it?  It’s what distinguishes you from the rest.  If there’s anything that makes you special, that’s it: the ability to put that spacious moment in there through observing the reaction.  We can just say, “That’s just like me.  Yeah, that’s just like me.  I do that.”  And then maybe questioning oneself later on and understanding, “Well, I do that because I’m protecting my turf; I’m protecting my space; I’m not wanting to change anything; I’m wanting to be powerful and right, so I need to put everybody else down.”

Whatever it is, simply observe, just observe, and you’ll find out that if you do that as consistently, deliberately, honestly, truly and deeply as you can, that after a while – and it doesn’t come immediately, so please don’t look for immediate results necessarily – there will be a spacious moment.  It might be just a little moment between you and your reaction, but eventually in your practice, by practicing Dharma, by using generation and completion stage methods, you will be able to recognize.  In that spaciousness, you can begin to recognize the emptiness of both the ego and that which affects it.  But it takes a combination of things.  It takes the ability to practice Dharma the way that our teachers teach us in generating oneself as the deity and practicing completion stage practice, but it also takes this deliberate, walking, waking mindfulness.  This is part of the path.

© Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo

Astrology for 11/19/2015

11/19/2015 Thursday by Norma

Feeling under the weather, moody or mysterious? Rest and allow yourself to move slowly through the day. Water, fog and secrets are highlighted. Listen to your hunches and don’t get scammed, a too-good-to-be-true prospect is exactly that. Reality wants to fly out the window today so be prepared. Wrap up your work early and relax with a movie, music or meditation. If you let yourself relax, you won’t need to get sick to take a break. Pat Conroy said, “Without music, life is a journey through a desert.” It’s a good day to relax, meditate, contemplate and give yourself a break.

The astrology post affects each person differently, based on your individual horoscope. Look to see
how this message affects your life!

Another Glass of Samsara?

An excerpt from the Mindfulness workshop given by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo in 1999

Do you ever sense that there is a thickness in your mind, almost like pudding?   We can’t break through it.  It’s like we go through these sleepwalking motions, and you lose days, hours, years.  You just lose time, and that thickness is because we already decided, way back somewhere else, that one of the goals in life was to get such-and-such, and in order to get such-and-such, we have to act thus-and-so.  Once we decide that, we never think about it again, not really. We never stop to reevaluate.  That is the unique thing about our brains.  It’s something we really need to understand.  Once you come to a conclusion and you conceptualize something, that’s it.  You act by rote afterwards. You have to break through that.

In order to really give rise to true compassion, one has to recognize the faults of cyclic existence, and be in a state of recognition. In order to awaken to a state of recognition, to begin that process of discrimination, you have to rouse your mind from going through these preset patterns which are based on deluded ideas that you were given somewhere early on that you’ve never bothered to change.  If you don’t change those, you will still try to attain the same type of goals, but you’ll be wearing Dharma clothes and doing Dharma activities when you do it.  If you got the message that you have to be a star, be powerful, be smarter, or be some kind of special person, then when you practice Dharma, if you don’t go back and reevaluate that in a mindful and discriminating way, you will simply do the same thing with Dharma clothes on, with Dharma words in your mouth.  Basically what we’re doing there is continuing to practice sleepwalking.

This discrimination that I’m talking about is not like a generalized, euphoric state where you walk dreamily outside and you say, “I’m mindful of the Buddha nature and everything.” That’s not what we’re talking about here.  This mindfulness is requiring of yourself, stimulating yourself, rousing yourself to rethink, to reassess, and to try to give rise to some recognition of what is precious and what is flawed; of what is extraordinary and what is ordinary.

We can equate the condition we are in ordinarily to be like drunkenness.  It’s exactly like drunkenness.  Some of my best students –Best with a capital “B,” as in Buddhist – are recovering alcoholics.   Recovering alcoholics have a wonderful opportunity because having emerged from the cocoon of constant, chronic alcohol consumption and the cycle of craving and the response, the recovering alcoholic has the opportunity to put aside the drinking and go through the process of picking up one’s awareness again and focusing it.  They have the sense of knowing what it’s like to do that for the first time.  I’ve talked to many recovering alcoholics, and they always say the worst time is the first time.  The worst time is right after you quit drinking, and you notice that you have no mind, and you try to get one going.  You try to punch start it somehow.  You try to teach your mind how to think in a way that does not always go back into obsession, compulsion, and desire. Recovering alcoholics have this magical understanding of what it’s like when you first get sober and the difference between that sober state – even if it’s a little raw and painful at first – and that other state.  They realize that they were not functioning.  They understand that they were not “there.”  There was nobody home and they were being driven by craving alone.  There was nothing else going on.  There was nothing in your head but buzz, and the buzz got louder when you walked away from the liquor store, and it got better when you walked toward the liquor store.  The opportunity to experience what that’s like, to awaken to sobriety, is a fabulous teacher because it gives one a sense that all sentient beings are alcoholics.  We may not be drinking alcohol, but we are guzzling down the samsara!  We are high on ego!  We don’t ever want to get off that.  If we ever, in just one day, spent as much time on our practice as we do on our ego, we would be changed forever.

Having that experience of suddenly awakening to a sober state is not so different from moving out of the drunkenness of preconceived patterns and ideas, with all of their judgments, reactions and habitual tendencies of doing what you thought you were supposed to be doing, and into that sobriety that one attains when one begins to move into a state of recognition.  At that point, one begins to discriminate what the problems of samsara are, and what the difference is between what is extraordinary and what is ordinary.  One begins to see what’s really going on here.  That state of discrimination is just like the very beginning of sobriety, and like the beginning of sobriety, it can be a little raw and painful.  In the drunken state, you try to stay comfortable in the time and space grid where you are in ignorance, saying, “Oh, I’m sitting here right now, so I’m not dead, therefore I’ll never be dead. I’m sitting here right now and I’m middle-aged, therefore I’ll never be old.”  To awaken from that kind of deluded thinking and say instead, “I’m middle-aged now and I used to be a kid. Uh-oh, that means there’s a progression happening here.  Whoa!  Where’s that taking me?”

We don’t like to think like that.  As sentient beings, we try to keep ourselves in a safety zone, thought-wise, don’t we?  One day you look in the mirror, and you say, “Wow, what happened to the flesh that used to be up on that cheekbone?”  And although you see it, and you think it’s kind of funny, you know it’s happening, but you tell yourself it’s not really happening.  You tell yourself it’s just that you had a potato chip last night so you had too much salt.  We try not to think that any of this is happening, and we stay in our comfort zone.  We spend most of our calories trying to stay in this comfort zone.

© Jetsunma Ahkön Lhamo

Astrology for 11/18/2015

11/18/2015 Wednesday by Norma

A brilliant, out-of-the-box idea is exciting and offers a new beginning. It’s time to change direction. Buddha said, “To be idle is a short road to death and to be diligent is a way of life; foolish people are idle, wise people are diligent.” Avoid chatting about your plans now, they will grow better in private. Conflict exists between new beginnings and communication. Got a new idea, meet a new love? It will evaporate the minute you call your friends to tell them all about it so be discrete. Act promptly and your plans go well. What’s good today? Relationships, partnerships, and razor-sharp thinking.

The astrology post affects people differently, based on individual horoscopes. Look to see where this
message contacts your life!

Astrology for 11/17/2015

11/17/2015 Tuesday by Norma

Join forces with your people, your group, today. What group identification do you hold, with whom do you ally yourself? This is where you should be now. Socialize, tell people they matter to you. The need to bond is here. If you identify as a maverick, think again, even the most distant planet orbits a larger body. Security, stability and motivation come from this sense of belonging. George Moore said, “A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it.” A fortunate encounter with a woman or child brings good luck, and serious big-picture thinking is accurate. Machines are helpful in accomplishing your goals today.

The astrology post affects each person differently, based on individual horoscopes. Look to see which
part of your life is affected by this message!

Astrology for 11/16/2015

11/16/2015 Monday by Norma

Work goes well and true accomplishment is possible, provided you keep your mind on the task at hand. A distraction, something that pulls your attention away from the job, is best sidestepped and put on hold for later. The problem is that the distraction is so interesting that it’s hard to ignore! Thomas Edison said, “Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” A partnership provides both energy and goodwill. Not working with someone else? Join forces and watch your progress! It’s a good time for health matters, diplomacy, love and estate management. Buy and sell now!

The astrology post affects each person differently, based on individual horoscopes. Look to see which part of you life is affected by this message.

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