
It’s a good day to buy real estate or make home improvements.  Domestic issues of all sorts go well.  Medical issues are solved, and higher-ups listen attentively to your concerns.  If you wish to be taken seriously, today’s the day to speak up!  Rehearse what you have to say, speak in a dignified manner and watch doors open.  Go directly to the top for solutions; don’t expect decisions from those powerless to make them.  (Don’t expect the gas station attendant to solve oil exploration problems!). Absolutely trust your intuition and avoid things that don’t feel right. Anne Schaef said, “Trusting our intuition often saves us from disaster.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Revealing the Hidden Faults: Longchen Rabjam

The following is respectfully quoted from “Drops of Nectar” by Ngagyur Nyingma Institute:

Revealing Hidden Faults (Longchen Rabjam)

The great ship of primordial wisdom of vast compassion Liberates all beings without exception from the ocean of cyclic existence.

I bow to the feet of the glorious protector, the sacred guru who has gone to the precious continent, peaceful and immaculate.

The ocean of samsara is extremely difficult to cross;
With its raging waves of birth, old age, sickness and death,
It is hard to escape from and boundlessly deep.
To you confused ones who are floundering here I offer these
suggestions from my heart!

Without applying these suggestions to dig out hidden faults,
There will be no time to cast off all your unwholesome behavior.
Without looking back into your mind,
There will be no time to see your negative faults.
Therefore, today I offer these suggestions from my heart!
Keep this in mind. It is beneficial spiritual advice.

Even if you live in solitude, you can become accustomed to depending on others;
If you are not free from the eight worldly concerns and the distractions of this life,
You can become someone who appears to benefit others while pervertedly benefiting himself!
Consider whether you can get by with such conduct!

By abiding in solitude, the Victorious Ones of the past attained enlightenment
And even former practitioners of the dharma achieved accomplishment,
But you are completely distracted.
Consider whether you can get by with such conduct!

Not recognizing all material wealth, fame, glory and valuable possessions as magical illusions.
And deceptive obstacles to accomplishment,
It’s like you are receiving something from one person and giving it to another.
Consider whether you can get by with such conduct!

Not recognizing as manifold demons of distraction and illusion
All kinds of business with many different people,
You think that babbling platitudes about the dharma will benefit others.
Consider whether you can get by with such conduct!

Being uncertain about exactly where you are heading,
You gather material wealth, build castles on dung heaps and so on.
Reckoning that you will live there forever, you take illusory appearance to be real.
Do you think such conduct will suffice?

Failing to tame and stabilize your own mind,
But hoping to tame and stabilize the minds of others,
You will experience incessant suffering and torment.
Do you think such conduct is good enough?

Never applying yourself to actual essence,
While day and night making great efforts for this life is a great mistake.
Such childish and imprudent ones are objects of the noble beings’ smiles and laughter.
Consider whether you can get by with such conduct!

When a group of many aimless ones have gathered,
Distracted teachers and students fetter one another.
This is like making an aimless search for a guesthouse.
Clinging to never-ending appearances of magical illusion
As happiness and bliss, you lose the enlightened path to liberation
And feel no weariness toward cyclic existence.
Do you think such conduct is good enough?

This year is the dwelling ground of Female Fire-Hog,
And twelve years from now will be the ground of the Male Iron-Dog, when
Foreign invasion is prophesied. Yet you make no effort to escape.
Do you think such conduct will suffice?

From all directions, war and strife will increase,
People will become intolerant and there will be many types of destruction,
But you are not trying to find the precious hidden land.
Consider whether you can get by with such conduct!

Even if you always perform good deeds without deceit,
Since there won’t be time to complete this, both inside and out,
The foundation of purposeless suffering will be uninterrupted.
Do you think such conduct is good enough?

Remaining in solitude in the mountains, but acting like you were on the edge of a city,
Accustomed to countless meetings and gatherings,
You become completely careless and your occupations never end.
Consider whether you can get by with such conduct!

Although you mentally renounce this life, you cannot let it go;
Although you dismantle deluded ego clinging, it doesn’t fall apart;
Even remaining alone in the mountains, you’ll find no occasion for solitude.
Do you think you can get by with that kind of conduct!

Although with words you talk about needing nothing, you pursue food and clothing;
Although you speak of impermanence of life, you’re still not mindful of death;
Even remaining in solitude to practice, you’re still distracted by entertainment.
Consider whether you can get by with such conduct!

Despite talking about the delusion of ordinary life, you chase the eight worldly concerns;
Despite talking about the pointlessness of illusory appearances,
you still find a lot to do;
Although you say all things are equal, you maintain your partiality.
Do you think that kind of conduct will suffice?

Even if you sit down to accomplish the natural state, present worldly concerns deceive you;
Even practicing the Dharma of your own free will, external influences mislead you;
Whatever you do, day and night you are beguiled by illusion.
Consider whether you can get by with such conduct!

Although you ponder everything, this is not the essence.
Whatever you do lacks meaning and is a cause for suffering.
Abandon everything in an empty place without people.
If you could go today itself, this would be best!

Since there is nothing nearer than oneself,
I give this useful advice out of pity,
Listen, you virtuous-minded one who desires liberation!
If you heed these suggestions it will always be virtuous!
At the outset, the virtue is to abandon your present worldly activities.
In the middle, the virtue is to discard entertainment in solitary retreat.
In the end, virtue is to achieve exhaustion in the natural state.
Ease in the present life and happiness in the future is the intention of the advice!

I composed this advice by myself and for myself
To encourage others as well I offer this instruction.
It will be excellent if both others and I listen carefully!
Please pursue this excellent permanent aim from today!

From the Vajra Song of Instructions for Rousing Myself, this completes the first chapter of exposing one’s hidden faults.


The Power of Devotion: Wisdom of Kyabje Drubwang Pema Norbu Rinpoche

The following is from a series of tweets by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo, quoting her Root Guru, His Holiness Penor Rinpoche:

From His Holiness Penor Rinpoche:

In the Tantras it is stated again and again the importance of relying on the Lama as the source of blessing in one’s practice. Regardless of the particular prayer that the student offers to the Lama, regardless of how small and insignificant it may be if it is based upon the student’s complete trust and faith in the Lama then the blessings of the Lama are always accessible to the student. In the Tantra of the Ocean of Timeless Awareness it states that it is much better to recite one small prayer to one’s own Lama out of pure faith and devotion then it is to perform hundreds of millions of recitations of Diety Mantras. The effect of prayer is far more powerful when it is truly an expression of one’s own faith and devotion in one’s Lama.

Heart teaching from Kyabje Drubwang PemaNorbu Rinpoche


A mellow mood permeates the environment, and artists and creative folks are full of ideas.  Listen carefully to a soft-spoken person with a solution: the idea is excellent.  A gentle approach works where a get-tough one doesn’t.  Salesmanship wins the day!  Promote your project to others, your dream, and watch it succeed.  The oceans part, and things you’ve wanted drop into your lap.  The only way to spoil the sympathetic, successful flow is to demand your way.  You’ll be turned aside with hurt feelings, and you’ll watch those who take the soft approach skate through unchallenged. Arnold Glasow said, “Success is simple.  Do what’s right, the right way, at the right time.”  Smile at everyone.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


A leader appears; a dynamo who magnetizes the group and gets people moving.  Inventions proliferate and activities involving technology and machines are successful.  New ‘fangled’ things are all the rage.  A shocking, love-at-first-sight energy causes people to commit to activities they will have to get out of later.  Avoid agreements.  Stall and wait until the moment passes before making a decision.  You will see things clearly once the excitement wanes.  Those in power are making secret decisions and people who offend the public are censured.  Everyone is talking, talking, talking, which makes John Steinbeck’s advice to, “Keep your eyes open and your mouth shut” both appropriate and hard to follow today.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


A serious wish is surprised by a sudden change!  Take people aside and speak with them privately. A woman or child is frightened or overwhelmed by circumstances.  George Soros said, “The worse a situation becomes, the less it takes to turn it around-and the bigger the upside.”  The reassurance of older folks or those who have gone before is calming, and financial matters trump everything else!  The quickest solution to a problem is, “How will we pay for this?”  Use that question as your guideline and you’ll make the right choices.  Friends are enthusiastic and supportive but their advice is ungrounded.  The real opportunity today lies in groups that form in support of mutual goals.  Pleasant conversations are everywhere and happiness is in the air.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


Today is the first day of a new cycle, and it’s a serious one.  Groups and organizations are attempting to regulate themselves and they’re running into obstacles.  “The way we do things” is blocking progress, and people are wary of tampering with laws and structures.  At the same time wisdom is present, a wisdom that has the ability to set aside personal preferences and choose what’s best for coming generations.  A dream or inspiration points the way.  On the personal level, you must do your work and plan for your own future and today is the right day to get started!  Men and women are in harmony, and new rules are being drawn up.  This is a significant time and decisions made will have far reaching consequences.  Imagine Abraham Lincoln writing the Emancipation Proclamation or Thomas Jefferson writing the Declaration of Independence.  What does the future hold for you?  The ball is in your court, so make some decisions and put them into writing!  Harry S. Truman said, “In reading the lives of great men, I found that the first victory they won was over themselves…self-discipline with all of them came first.”

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


Go with the flow today, and this means go along with culturally prescribed activities.  March in parades, attend serious ceremonies or engage in dignified activities, all in appropriate attire.  Half the planets of the zodiac are in the sign Capricorn, so “pomp and circumstance” is where it’s at! Dissent will not be allowed so if you’re a dissident, stay home.  Don’t streak a speech or wave an insulting sign.  The weather is an issue today.  Dark, cold or threatening issues are here. The I Ching says, “When clouds form in the skies we know that rain will follow but we must not wait for it. Nothing will be achieved by attempting to interfere with the future. Patience is needed.”  A secret is revealed, and deep expressions of emotion well up.  A chatterbox really needs to be restrained.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


How you behave in public is of utmost importance today.  Four planets in Capricorn are joined by the moon before the day draws to a close.  Capricorn, sign of rules, laws, structure and wisdom is in charge.  Honor older people and those who have engaged in distinguished service.  Credentials matter.  Step aside for those who have worked long and hard to attain their position.  Have respect for those who have gone before.  Think “I’ll be there soon” when you see elderly or infirm people. Work is fun and productive.  It’s a great day to start a diet or have medical procedures.  There is joy in discipline today so begin your program!  La Rochefoucauld said, “It is not enough to have great qualities; we must know how to economise them.”  Who knew toeing the line could be so satisfying?

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


A light, breezy energy is here and it’s fun!  The desire to goof off is contagious.  Everyone is laughing and joking with friends and you’ll meet with enjoyable situations.  Be quite discriminating when it comes to merriment, however, since authority figures expect serious behavior from you. The job today is to carefully separate fun time from work time.  A double standard is in operation: if the boss tells a joke it’s funny; if you tell a joke it’s insubordination.  Be realistic and restrain yourself.  Phillip Brooks said, “Character may be manifested in the great moments, but it is made in the small ones.”  Remember this and everything goes swimmingly, forget it and your head rolls.  Do your job to the best of your ability and go home to relax with friends and loved ones.  Good news comes, but not from the direction you expect.

The daily astrology post affects everyone. Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently. Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth. There are many departments of life. Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

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