The Secret of Simplicity

How DO we keep it simple? All things grow well in the absence of clutter and complexity. When things seem out of control, and we feel uncertain as to direction and path, the I Ching indicates the direction of simplicity and reminds us of the benefits of self reliance. What this means is living simple clean lives without a lot of extravagance. This can be true for our minds as well, not just our outer external lives and environment.

For this week’s reading given the question and contemplation, the I Ching is:

Earth over Fire; 36 as Original hexagram
Wind over Earth; 20 as the Expansion
Water over Fire; 63 as the Kernel, BY WAY OF Thunder over Water; 40

As people, we are all a head of affairs in some regard to our lives, whether it be as a parent, boss, manager, leader or all of the above. We all, even young people, have some charge of affairs in our lives. Maybe it is at school, or home, work, business, religious practice, or relationships; we experience the stress, rewards and twists of these affairs. Most of us experience what the I Ching would refer to as “a wounding” within the context of these affairs. Further, it is the “wise” one “who has able helpers, and in company with them makes progress.” What does that mean? It means that those of us who understand and perceive ourselves as head of affairs will need to go through the twists and turns of our journeys and will best be served, and be of service to other by understanding the benefit of teamwork.

We must not be swayed or swept by unfavorable circumstances, rather remain steadfast on our Path and not be shaken.  Keeping life clean and simple, without a lot of complexity allows us to remain focused on our Path, and steadfast in the face of difficult situations. A humble and simple life allows for the spaciousness needed to conquer adversity.  This philosophy and perspective offers room for the inner true nature of ourselves to shine bright, “remaining outwardly yielding and tractable.”

Maintaining this position expands into a wide view and perspective, offering observation of landmarks, and cultivating a deeper understanding of one’s life landscape. It is wise to contemplate the laws of nature, and the laws of people.  Contemplating is important, and being seen is as well~ to be an example. Another interesting fact that the I Ching points out is that if the goodness we aspire to offer to the world is true and sincere, and expressive of real faith, the contemplation alone of it has a transformative and awe inspiring effect on those who see it and/or experience it. What the text is implying is that when we remain humble, keeping our lives simple, we invite the benefits of contemplation, which then in turn offers the space for wisdom to appear.

The twists and turns of our journeys will not come without obstacle and difficult times and circumstances.  These are empowering moments, and there will come a time of deliverance.  There are a few key points to remember:
a. do not overdo triumph
b. do not push on farther than is necessary
c. return to the regular rhythm of life once deliverance is achieved
d. deal with residual matters that need attention as soon as possible

These actions are a way to clear the air, like a good thunderstorm, making way for the new to enter and the old to exit.

Go forth folks maintaining a good attitude of getting rid of what is not needed, making way for the seeds of potential to cultivate and grow.  Remember simplicity is the way to go, and not extravagance or complexity.  Keeping a simple and clean environment, helps maintain a spacious and humble mind.


1/10/2010   Sunday

Excessive emotionalism could plague you early in the day.  Others appear to “have it all” and jealousy, the green-eyed monster, is present. Use your depth of understanding to realize that they have earned what they have, and be happy for them. You’ll feel better and this opens the door for others to be happy when you succeed. Likewise extend a helping hand to anyone who seems to be failing.  Later in the day the atmosphere clears up and you feel cheerful again and proud of yourself for not succumbing to negative emotions.    You can stabilize a relationship or friendship that had been floundering.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


1/9/2010   Saturday

Work is barreling along at a nifty clip and suddenly you must smooth the feathers of someone with injured pride.  You may have been so busy getting the job done that you didn’t notice someone’s feelings.  It’s a pride issue, so give credit where it’s due.  Love is in the picture.  You look good in public.  You are arranging your affairs in such a way that they gain public approval.  You are going with the flow.  You can feel it.  A sudden romantic interlude appears and goes well.  This can put you out of sync with a group or friend that expected your participation.  Apologize but explain that you deserve a private life.  This will defuse gossip that could arise today.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

The Life, Death, and Liberation of Ani Palchen


Thank you one and all for having prayer and recitation with us. While we are grieving dear Ani’s loss, the comfort of your presence is strong.

We are greatly sorry to lose her. But hers was a noble life, with merit, Bodhicitta and unbroken Samaya. We honor her.

Venerable Ani Palchen was a woman of faith and virtue. She never had a mean word to say. She made people feel welcome and loved.

I loved her. We all did. Do. While our hearts are heavy we rejoice that her Sangha, her Lineage, her family, and her Guru were there.

Not all will die a noble, auspicious death free of suffering. Not all will instantly be reborn in Dewachen. Not all are so loved.

She will be cremated in full robes, adorned with incense and flowers. The pure smoke will please the Buddhas, as did she.

Many have failed their ordination. Have lost their path. Not Venerable Ani, who honored Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha as well as her Tsawei Lama.

Therefore she did not die an ordinary death, as promised. And now remains in the Pureland Dewachen.

We pray for her swift rebirth; that she find Dharma quickly in that life. And lead others to liberation. I myself will look for her.

In Honor of Her Noble Life

Thubten Palchen 9/13/1929 - 2:30am 1/8/2010
Thubten Palchen 9/13/1929 - 2:30am 1/8/2010

Thubten Palchen  9/13/1929 – 2:30am 1/8/2010

The last poem Palchen wrote:
Golden warmth
Crimson heart
Within my chalice
I lie wrapped in
Guru and consort
My home
Within my bodyhome
No ground but love
by Thubten Palchen


1/8/2010   Friday

A subtle and successful day is underway.  You can have a meaningful conversation or negotiation that stabilizes a situation that has been fluid or uncertain.  The answer to a mystery can appear, and that which was hidden is revealed. Deep issues are resolved.  Don’t waste your time with superficialities.  The choice between “Shall I successfully reorganize my business affairs, or shall I watch a TV game show?” is easy to answer.  Previously discordant forces have turned harmonious. Pool your money together with others to maximize your spending power. Don’t waste this important day.  Roll up your sleeves and get to work! Romance beckons later in the day.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

Prayer for Thubten Palchen

Ani Palchen needs our prayers.  Jetsunma wrote the following prayer for Ani Palchen.  Instructions were, “Please alternate the Seven Line Prayer with this prayer.”

To All the Root and Lineage Lamas,
And to none other than the Primordial Lama His Holiness Penor Rinpoche,
Kye Ho!
We bow down to your precious Lotus Feet
And to the fount of your endless wisdom.
We bow down to your Great Compassion
And offer the Celestial Mandala
Along with every perfect adornment.

We beg for the life of our vajra sister, Thupten Palchen,
Here she is, fighting for her life,
And we beg that you uphold her life,
And allow her to recover without suffering or fear.
If this is not possible, may she pass easily
And be reborn in Dewachen immediately.
This good Ani has served Palyul for many years
And we beg for the gift of her life and liberation.
Making countless prostrations from all your monks and nuns,
And including Jetsunma herself,
Please grant us this blessing
And may it benefit all sentient beings.


1/7/2010 Thursday

Early in the day you could wrap up a difficult situation that began yesterday.  Adjustments are required on both sides, but you have a zing, a spring in your step, that moves you along in a cheery manner.  You’ll feel a bump as you realize something you hoped for isn’t going to happen.  But the day turns magical as it progresses. New opportunities arise, and a new optimism is in the air.  Someone could offer you a relationship you have always wanted. Go ahead and take it. Happiness, artistic creativity, inspiration and joy wrap up the day.  Well done.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


1/6/2010   Wednesday

A serious or discouraging matter arises that must be dealt with.  Something is not working as expected and may need to be reconfigured or scrapped.  Perhaps you must deal with an unhappy person, an older person, or sad family or group matters. An expression of acceptance and love is called for.  Contact someone who loves you to get your dose of security, and do your best to express the love you feel for others, no matter how busy you are or how inconvenient it seems. Emotional needs clash with doing the job, but you can handle both in a successful manner.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!


1/5/2010 Tuesday

Diplomatic, kind speech is highlighted today. How you say something makes the difference between success and “try again.” What are words? They are symbols of something deeper.  Words expressed in a kind tone deliver a more effective message than words that feel angry or demanding.    Work is well completed today. A surprise expectation or request from outside must be accommodated, but nothing is lost in the process. Remember you are wrapping up things from the past.  Groups and friends, as always these days, are inspiring and supportive.

The daily astrology post affects everyone.  Because individual charts vary, the circumstances outlined in the post will affect people differently.  Some will feel this energy in the personal arena, some in finances, some with children or family, some in work and so forth.  There are many departments of life.  Look to see where the dynamic affects you!

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