When following the path of Vajrayana, there are steps one must take just as they are. They are the technology, or method.
Method must be accomplished as taught in each Lineage. If you mix it up, or combine with other methods there will be no result.
Some people sample Buddhism and mix it up with Hinduism, New Ageism, shamanism, etc. all are fine but Vajrayana should NEVER be mixed.
Vajrayana Masters say this constantly. If mixed with other views purity and potency are watered down, so no benefit. Samaya is ruined.
Practitioners are constantly warned to follow step by step until true realization. If one simply dabbles, Vajrayana is not for you.
Each step is practiced until accomplished for the benefit of sentient beings- it is said one is of benefit when enlightened.
Many people through ordinary human kindness can be helpful; but not like a Buddha, Supreme Guide.
Until one reaches tenth Bhumi level, one can still fall to the lower realms, revolving in confusion and lost in delusion, how sad.
To say Enlightenment is not possible, or is irrelevant is false Dharma. Even if one means well, this is spiraling downward.
Please abandon such wrong view and wrong activity, you are harming others! This is not kind. Not what Buddha taught.
Guru Rinpoche the peerless Vajra Master taught like this; that with intense practice one can attain realization in this life. EMAHO!
NEVER abandon that promise made by Guru Padmasambava at the very cost of your life! It is the great hope of humankind.
These are the sacred unalterable truths of Dharma, of Tantric Buddhism, and if polluted, are polluted for all
This is why Lineage is essential; to hold and confer the Dharma in pure succession, untainted, from a pure Lineage Master!
Following the path of Vajrayana purely, one will never be duped, or confused, the way is as straight as an arrow!
May pure Dharma, even in these dark times always be available to the sea of beings as vast as the sky! May we never abandon Bodhicitta!