MiraclesThere are accounts of many miracles that took place around the event of His Holiness Penor Rinpoche’s parinirvana (final release from suffering of someone who has achieved complete awakening). Here is an account of one of those miracles.
Flower Butter Lamps
The monks at Byalakuppe Monastery prepared butter lamps for the 49th day ceremonies after His Holiness Penor Rinpoche’s parinirvana. The monks poured about 1000 butter lamps. Of those, 50 were set aside to be placed inside the Zangdokpelri. All of the butter lamps were left overnight to set. Once set, a butterlamp has a flat surface, but when the monks returned the following morning, they foundseven that looked like lotus flowers. Here are some images taken by Paljor, an eyewitness, with his cellphone: