Astrology for 3/23/2025 March 23, 2025 by Jampal Sunday by Miranda

Theme:  Action through Communication
With Sun conjunct retrograde Mercury you may well revisit a conversation or have communication with others about an important issue in your life and share insights you have had recently.
If you’re open to their input and perceptions rather than completely self-absorbed, you may find it’s a good opportunity to make creative plans for your future that could bring some real success. The Aries energy available right now can inspire and bring long awaited action.
“ Action is the antidote to despair.”
Joan Baez


March 22, 2025 by JampalFriday by Miranda

Theme:  Spring Exuberance
Today the Moon moves into Capricorn bringing a little emotional sobriety and self control which may be a good thing with Aries passion abounding.
The Sun is exactly conjunct Venus in Aries inviting creative self expression in relationships. You may enjoy socializing with friends new and old. Kindness and warmth will prevail even if the Moon clouds the picture occasionally. Thought tempted to extravagance by such a strong Venus, the Moon should help us apply some discipline to not blowing our budget completely.
Overall it’s a very favorable financial transit.

“ Always it’s spring and everyone’s in love and flowers pick themselves.” EE Cummings

March 21, 2025 by Ani Miranda

Friday by Miranda

Theme:  Coercion or Ceasefire

Today is the Equinox, the time at which the sun crosses the celestial equator, when day and night are approximately equal length. (This gets a little confusing with daylight saving)
It is also the day when the Sun moves into Aries bringing the radiance of spring and sunshine into our lives again. There is a feeling of confidence and vitality and for some a forceful assertion of individuality. This is being displayed on a national and international level. As Mars is the ruler of Aries, there is a potential for war but with Venus and Mercury conjunct the Sun, dialogue and communication towards a ceasefire are ongoing also.

“ The spirit of the individual is determined by his dominating thought habits.” Bruce Lee

Astrology for 3/20/2025

Thursday by Wangmo

Theme: Explore

The Moon is in Sagittarius today giving the green light to exploration and adventure. You don’t have to go far to experience an environment that expands your horizons and get you thinking about the big picture. Sagittarius is a fire sign so optimism is one of its signatures. Mercury retrograde continues to move towards Venus creating a silver lining in communications and relationships.

You do not see as the Buddha sees, with a mind that is natural, uncontrived, and relaxed. You do not know the natural state-your own Nature that is beneath the conceptualizations you force upon it.~Her Eminence Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo

Astrology for 3/19/2025

3/19/2025 Wednesday by Wangmo

Theme: Making space

With the Sun conjunct Neptune conjunct Venus there is the promise of recognition of your own true nature. The normal barriers are down allowing wisdom to arise. Finding space and solitude assists with this enterprise. The Moon moves into Sagittarius later in the day bringing attention to the wider world .Neptune conjunct Venus shows us that the beauty in small and large moments can be transforming.

The main result of solitude is that pointless activities naturally diminish.~ Tulku Urgyen Rinpoche

The Moon is Void of Course between 3.28 and 4.17pm ESDT USA. Avoid major undertakings.

Astrology for 3/18/2025

Tuesday by Wangmo

Theme: Dissolving clinging to self

The Sun is conjunct Neptune. Your sense of self and purpose is less concrete and ego borders are softened. It’s an opportunity for reflection in identifying the barriers to connecting with your true spiritual nature. It can also be a more confusing time as the material day to day world is more challenging than usual. It is also an aspect that, in its negative form, can signal self-deception and escapism. With Mercury Retrograde it’s even more important to be conscious of how you are communicating. The good thing is that Mercury is moving closer to Venus which is a handy offset to difficulties in relationships with others.

Cultivating a kind mind is the best and most important thing we can ever do. It is the most precious endeavor we can dedicate ourselves to. It will always benefit both ourselves and others. It will benefit all sentient beings that come in contact with us at all times, now matter how near or far away they are.~Khandro Kunga Bhuma Rinpoche

Astrology for 3/17/2025

Monday by Wangmo

Water themes.

The Moon has moved into Scorpio complimenting the Piscean Sun: both Pisces and Scorpio are water signs. Feelings both deep and superficial swim more actively in the mind, bringing a variety of emotions to the surface. Both signs are concerned with letting go, Pisces in terms of seeing beyond the ordinary to the numinous, and Scorpio in terms of letting go of past grievances in order to to be an agent of transformation and change.

But if we just look beneath the scars, the wounds we’ve experienced in life, we can rediscover that jewel, that basic, unconditional love.~ Tsoknyi Rinpoche

Astrology for 3/14/2025

Friday by Wangmo

Theme: Total Lunar Eclipse

The Total Lunar Eclipse begins at 11:57pm ESDT USA on 13th March and is at maximum eclipse at 2.58am on the 14th of March: the entire eclipse period concludes at 6am ESDT USA on the 14th of March. If you can spend any time during this period in reflection and contemplation it will be very beneficial. Virtuous acts are magnified during this time. Likewise, negative acts are also magnified so it’s an entreaty to mindfulness, compassion and ethical behavior during this period. The Sun is also conjunct the north node, and likewise the Moon is conjunct the south node, focusing your attention on your life purpose and the path of most benefit in your development.

Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.~The Buddha

The Moon is Void of Course from 1:47pm until 2:59pm ESDT USA. Undertake small tasks and avoid signing contracts or beginning new undertakings. Time resting and reflecting during this period is time well-spent.

Astrology for 3/13/2025

Thursday by Wangmo

Theme: Practical matters

With the Sun/Saturn conjunction and Moon in Virgo, you can focus on practical and achievable outcomes. The Sun in Pisces compliments the Moon in Virgo owing to the compatible elements of water and earth respectively. The earth sign of Virgo provides am earthenware bowl for the feeling and emotional realm of Pisces, thus giving form to the formless nature of water.

Without delay, whatever shakes you, immediately incorporate this into your spiritual path.~Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche

Astrology for 3/12/2025

Wednesday by Wangmo

Theme: Growing

With the waxing moon close to full and the Moon in the sign of Virgo, planting seeds is timely whether it be seeds in the garden bed or new ways of communicating and crafting. Virgo is a practical sign focused on the importance of detail but it’s other aspects include an inner wholeness that references the self-contained sacred self. The Sun conjunct Saturn is almost exact, reinforcing the theme of steady improvement through effort. The Moon in Virgo also encourages effort.

Even if the sun were to rise from the west, the Bodhisattva has only one way.~Shunryu Suzuzuki

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